
Friday 25 November 2016

My story

Wednesday 23 November 2016

What happens
At lunch time 25 zombies come.
Bits 108 kids and 2 teachers.
All the kids are at school.

Zombies a lot of them,boys a lot of them,girls a lot of them,teachers a lot of them,police a lot of them and more people.

The hole school.

When all the kids get to school in the morning they play outside into the 9:00 am bell goes then they all come inside and we start with the day.
We do the Karakia,roll,waiata then we do maths into morning tea we have the ten o clock news then we eat then we will play until the bell goes.
We have team talk,read for the fun of it,Daily 5,writing then it will be lunch time we eat inside and then we play inside then  the bell will go at 11:30 so we  can all go to the toilet and get a drink into 25 zombies come and bit you but that is why the bell goes fast and lunch time is so not that long and then all the 25 zombies will come and yesterday 108 kids got bitten and 2 teachers but today the zombies left at 3:00 pm but there was one in the toilet and it locked himself in the toilet  then this girl named Anab she looked over the top and the zombie unlocked himself and ran after her.  She ran  to the classroom but we looked at her and the teacher just locks the door and then we all got our bags and we went home but  Erana and Tayal they were walking to Tayal house and then they looked in the mail box there was a finger from a zombies they killed last night but not me my mum and dad said tayal.

In the morning the two girls got up and got ready for school then tayla dad walked them to school so there teacher now that her dad drops them off at their classroom there in room 9 they are best friends then they did maths for the hole morning and then it was moring tea time and then they played handball for morning tea they went inside and they did writing and spelling then it was lunch time and then the bell went at 11:30am before the zombies came so they locked all the doors and then they went out of school into all the zombies were gone and they stade on a farm with their mum and dads family's.

They found out because they pushed one in the water and he swam  up he was himself again so they said it on the news and  all the people went and got a lot of hoses and water guns  and they went around town and wet all the zombies.

Ideas: 4
S&L: 3
Organisation: 5
Vocabulary: 2
Sentence structure: 3
Punctuation: 3
Spelling: 3

I learnt how to write a story by myself and I made  it up.
The thing that was hard was trying to think what will happen.
Can you try and make one up?

Tuesday 22 November 2016

A hot topic related to our planet earth.

Work on writing.
Tuesday 22 November,2016
Topic: A hot topic related to our planet earth.
A planet- Where we,when we leave it, is is in the same or a better state then it was when we came here.
A planet-Just like our "gaia tellus" our planet earth has been there for us throughout mankinds history.
A planet- Where we have realized the need to have healthy planet and stopped abusing its fauua and its inhabitants.

Thursday 10 November 2016


Do you know what was on the news last night you need to have a look like soon when you get home?
comment and tell me who is the winner of America?  

Behaviour learning goal.

Abagail-We challenge ideas and assumptions.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Daily 5 word work weather.

  • What  wind
  • Wind is the flow of gases, here on Earth it refers to the movement of air.
  • It is caused by differences in air pressure. Air rushes from high pressure areas to lower ones.

Facts about Rain.
Rain falls from clouds in the sky in the form of water droplets, this is called precipitation.
  • Water can also fall from the sky in the form of hail, sleet or snow.
  • Rain is an important part of the water cycle. Learn how it works with our page explaining the water cycle for kids.
  • Rain occurs on other planets in our Solar System but it is different to the rain we experience here on Earth. For example, rain on Venus is made of sulfuric acid and due to the intense heat it evaporates before it even reaches the surface!
  • Weather radar is used to detect and monitor rain.
  • Rain gauges are use to measure the amount of rain over a certain period of time. Try making your own rain gauge.
  • The highest amount of rainfall ever recorded in 24 hours is 182.5 centimetres (71.9 inches) in Foc-Foc, La Réunion. This occurred during tropical cyclone Denise on January 8, 1966.
  • The highest amount of rainfall ever recorded in one year is 25.4 meters (1000 inches) in Cherrapunji, India.
  • Antarctica is the driest continent on Earth.
  • Heavy rain can cause flooding and landslides.
  • Rain allows us to create electricity through hydropower.
  • Plants need water in order to survive, they receive much of this water from rain.
  • Forests that experience high levels of rainfall are called rainforests.
  • Rain with high levels of acid (a low pH) is called acid rain. Caused by the release of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air (often from factories and power stations), it can be harmful to plants and animals.
Facts about Clouds.
  • A cloud is a large group of tiny water droplets that we can see in the air.
  • Clouds are formed when water on Earth evaporates into the sky and condenses high up in the cooler air. Learn more about the water cycle.
  • Rain, snow, sleet and hail falling from clouds is called precipitation.
  • Most clouds form in the troposphere (the lowest part of Earth’s atmosphere) but occasionally they are observed as high as the stratosphere or mesosphere.
  • Clouds can contain millions of tons of water.
  • There are a range of different types of clouds, the main types include stratus, cumulus and cirrus.
  • Stratus clouds are flat and featureless, appearing as layered sheets.
  • Cumulus clouds are puffy, like cotton floating in the sky.
  • Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy, appearing high in the sky.
  • There are many variations of these 3 main cloud types including stratocumulus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrostratus and cirrocumulus.
  • Fog is stratus type of cloud that appears very close to the ground.
  • Clouds can also be made of other chemicals.
  • Other planets in our Solar System have clouds. Venus has thick clouds of sulfur-dioxide
  • while Jupiter and Saturn have clouds of ammonia.
  • Check out this cloud basics video for more
Facts about Lightening.
Cloud-to-ground lightning bolts are a common phenomenon—about 100 strike Earth’s surface every single second—yet their power is extraordinary. Each bolt can contain up to one billion volts of electricity.
This enormous electrical discharge is caused by an imbalance between positive and negative charges. During a storm, colliding particles of rain, ice, or snow increase this imbalance and often negatively charge the lower reaches of storm clouds. Objects on the ground, like steeples, trees, and the Earth itself, become positively charged—creating an imbalance that nature seeks to remedy by passing current between the two charges.
A step-like series of negative charges, called a stepped leader, works its way incrementally downward from the bottom of a storm cloud toward the Earth. Each of these segments is about 150 feet (46 meters) long. When the lowermost step comes within 150 feet (46 meters) of a positively charged object it is met by a climbing surge of positive electricity, called a streamer, which can rise up through a building, a tree, or even a person. The process forms a channel through which electricity is transferred as lightning.
Some types of lightning, including the most common types, never leave the clouds but travel between differently charged areas within or between clouds. Other rare forms can be sparked by extreme forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and snowstorms. Ball lightning, a small, charged sphere that floats, glows, and bounces along oblivious to the laws of gravity or physics, still puzzles scientists.
Lightning is extremely hot—a flash can heat the air around it to temperatures five times hotter than the sun’s surface. This heat causes surrounding air to rapidly expand and vibrate, which creates the pealing thunder we hear a short time after seeing a lightning flash.
Lightning is not only spectacular, it’s dangerous. About 2,000 people are killed worldwide by lightning each year. Hundreds more survive strikes but suffer from a variety of lasting symptoms, including memory loss, dizziness, weakness, numbness, and other life-altering ailments.
What do you think about theres facts?
What do you know about theres things?

Friday 28 October 2016

Songs brids singging to you and calling out to you.

Here  is a link that is all the brids for all over the world that are sing to you and calling out to you.

What we are doing for art.

My group is doing a food.
We are doing a food cycle about what food are in our garden at H.E.S we looked at the things like the little plants for New world and some class like room 13, 2, 6 and some and they put them in the new class house that we gust got at H.E.S.We use it for the little plants that the class did and so the big birds don't  get the small plants and eat them.
We all so got some new things like to sit on when we are like drawing things like the plants.
We all so have thigs that we can walk a crose the tiles that are in the milde of the garden so we can see all the plants and the driffent soil in the gardens.

What is in your garden at school our  at your house?

poem about shoes....

Title: Shoes
Boat shoes
Car shoes
Bike shoes
Goat shoes
Giraffe shoes
Kite shoes
Fluffy shoes
Light shoes
Rope shoes
Though shoes
My shoes !

Going on a enviroment hunt..

We were talking about what we would see in the enviro medal that is in our school. We looked at some stuff, like what to look out for and what makes us an enviro medal.
We went to see what kind of gardens we would see. We looked at the Migrant Mother’s gardens and we saw the water tank, that a class long ago put there. It watered the plants for them. We looked for little insects.
We went down to the Redwood tree that is the oldest tree in the school. I wonder how long it has been there. It looked like our boss of our school. We hear a lot of cars going past our school and I think it scares the birds away sometimes.
We also went to look for a weta house and there was cockroaches inside it. We had to go through some evil prickles to get through. It was so smelly, it smelled like a dead rat, it did not smell good.
We looked at some plants like the plain tree. We all walked through the new path to go to the gardens. We looked at the glasshouse and the new seats inside the gardens.
We went up to the Totara tree and looked for the bat house. We also saw the blackbirds in the Totara tree.
We walked past the Kauri tree and the Kowhai tree. We all felt tired after that big walk.

Were do you go in your school to look at things.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Groups for operetta

How to do how many tens in a three-digit number. Maths.

How many tens in a three-digit number.

345 = 34
897 = 89

  1. 453 = 
  2. 987 =
  3. 231 = 
  4. 648 =
  5. 742 =
Do you think you can do these?

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Using doubling and halving. Maths.

WALT use doubling and halving for x.

 halving of 18 = 9
doubling of 10 = 20

4 x 8 = 32 or 2 x 16 = 32

4 x 20 = 80
8 x 10=80

5 x 18 = 90
doubling of 5 = 10
halving of 18 = 9
10 x 9 = 90

4 x 18 = 72
doubling of  4 = 8
 halving of 18 = 9
8 x 9 = 72

How do you do your  doubling and halving? 

Tuesday 11 October 2016

The changing land.

The land is always changing.
The sun can change the land.
It dries the earth and makes it crack.

The wind can change the land.
It blows sand and soil from one place to another.

Water can change the land.
It washes away rocks and soil,

Ice can change the land.
It cracks the rocks,and they crumble.

People change the land to.

What do you think changes the land?

Thursday 22 September 2016

Wednesday 21 September 2016

St Johns

WALT Write learning stories about St Johns learning.


  • 5-10 Facts
  • Photos / Videos
  • Describe
  • Toolkit
  • Reflection :  I thought . . . I felt . . . I know . . . 

Here is the card that St Johns gave us and we all had one. I has all the things David, the ambulance officer, told us, that we need to know about first aid.

  • Danger: You need to check if there are any people around that could hurt you, can you see anything that could hurt you, smell anything (like gas) or if there are any dogs. If a person is lying on the ground and the dog sees you trying to help the person, he might think that you're hurting the person.
  • Response: You ask them (but not over their face because otherwise they might get a fright). You see if they are awake by tapping them on their shoulder, and asking them "Can you hear me?"
  • Send for help: You point to a person and say "Call 111, this person is not responding/waking up and come straight back (so that you know help is on the way).
  • Airway: You put two fingers under the chin and one hand on the forehead, then tilt their head back slowly and softly. Check in their mouth to see if any food (like KFC) is left in their throat. Are there any teeth missing? Is there any blood in their mouth? If you see anything, pull it out and put it on their chest.
  • Breathing: You put your cheek above their mouth and look at their stomach to see if it's going up, down, up, down. If they are breathing you need to put them on their side. Put on arm flat on the ground, lift one arm on to their chest and bend their other leg. From the opposite side of the knee and elbow, gently pull them over so that they are lying on their side. This means that if they puke they won't drown in it. If you get puke in your lungs, that is what can make you drown.
  • Commence CPR: If they are not breathing their heart isn't working. CPR is when you get your not-writing hand and hold on to it with your writing hand. You find the middle of the persons chest from their armpit and start pushing up and down with your arms straight, using the bottom of your palm to pump the blood through the body to make the brain work.
  • Defibrillation: we couldn't do this because it uses a machine that shocks people's hearts.

The things from HES toolkit that will help you save someones life are:
We have a can do attitude
We turn a problem into a solution
We ask questions
We are developing citizenship

I thought it was funny and not funny at the same time. It was funny because the mannequins looked creepy and David told a story about a tunnel in bush and the patient was on the other side of the tunnel and they had to walk in the dark because they did not have a torch. He also he also had a freaky pinkie that could do sit-ups. The part you have to take seriously is learning how to do CPR.

I felt proud because I could do it!

Have you learnt CPR before?

Monday 19 September 2016

What do we do in room 9.

We have been doing historical timeline in NZ.

Kaya & Levi
People came from Tahiti  to have a new life.
Tawhiti and
People came from Tahiti to have a new life and the warriors from the tribe helped the people of tahiti
Waimaria &
1200 Ad
Abel Tasman changed murders bay to golden bay because they found lots of gold at murders bay.

Te reo was banned in school and it was thought  that Maori students needed to learn things to help them faming (boys) or nursing or keeping house ( girls).
People from tahiti arrived in a waka and settled throughout new zealand in maori tribes.

The Native school Act  was passed-Maori village had to donate  land for a school to be built and they had to contribute to school running costs.

Roxy & Legend
Abel tasman and his crew are the first people from Europe to see new zealand and meet maori people at murderer's bay.
People from tahiti arrive in waka and settle throughout new zealand and maori tribes.
Erana & samaa
1642  1969
Murderers bay is called golden bay now.
Native schools became stated schools.
This is the murders bay.Abel tasman swam with his waka and killed 4 seamen.But we don't know if it was abel tasman.
Tia & magdalena
1624  1769                                                                              
      Murderers bay is now called the golden

Dakota and happend
the murderer bay is where people died and they murdered murdered people. Why are they murderer. I wonder why they murdered people.

the  happened came to murderers bay and five  people died in 1642
Detroit and Keisha
1642 and 1840
Captain Abel Tasman changed the name of Murderers bay to Golden bay.

Quartz     & Ben
Murderers bay had  a lot of murdering going on that is why it’s called murders bay. But now it’s called golden bay because there a lot of gold too.
Michelle & phoenix

26 million years ago a captain captain called  born at Lutjegast
Kaya and Levi
When the Native schools opened


Murders Bay  had a lot of murdering thats why its called Murders Bay.Now it’s called golden bay because people
Found gold
Kaya & levi
1880 -1950’s
There were no te reo in native schools.
Kaya & Levi
James Cook and his ship is the Endeavour.
Kaya & Levi
New Zealand before people
Kaya and Levi
26 MYA
We were learning about what happened in the old days like in 998
And we lerant about James Cook.

Here is some links


What i think about health.

What do you think about Health and what do you know?

Thursday 15 September 2016

What we did for cross country.

We did cross country
on Thursday 1st of September.

We had year 0 boys in one line,year 0 girls in another. Year 1 boys in one line,year 1 girls in one line. Year 2 boys in one line,year 2 girls in one line. Year 3 boys in one line,year 3 girls in one line and then all the other kids go in their lines and their year  lines and if they are boys or girls lines.
Then the kowhai kids had to run run around Putikitiki.
Then the Totara had to run around Putikitiki then up the hill through middle then up the hill past the toilets then go out the school and the side of the road then do it then run down the hill then they are done.
The Kauri kids do the same thing but 2 times.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Rātū te 13 o Mahuru

Rātū te 13 o Mahuru

My beahavier learning goal for operetta: I will try had in operetta and to smily more

Saturday 10 September 2016

How to stay safe online.

We made this with our Beahaviaer learning goals book we all got some thing to write about how to stay safe online that was my one I had to do but some other people had to do some other ones we did what you're not allowed to go on at school.

We are using the Thinking toolkit by thinking about how to stay safe online because we need to think frist be for we go on anything online.

What i did in room 12 about dogs

Dubey, JP et al. "Newly recognized fatal protozoan disease of dogs." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 192.9 (1988): 1269-1285.

Soft and fluffy
So sharp they can scratch you bad...
domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking, howling, or whining voice. It is widely kept as a pet or for work or field sport….

Friday 9 September 2016

What we do for Daily 5.

Daily 5 is something we do for reading in our class room.We do things like read to self, listen to reading, work on writing, read to someone and word work. That is all we do for Daily 5.
Read to self: we get a book and sit down and read for the whole time you've got.
Listen to reading:we get a chromebook  and go on storyline on line. When you go on it you can see a lot of different books and you can pick one to listen to.
Read to someone:You find someone who wants to read to you and get a book and sit down and do eekk and you need to pick a good fit book. Eekk is when you put you knee to the other person's knee, and your elbow together with their elbow. Then read the book together.
Work on writing:We get a chromebook or write in your writing book. You can write about whatever you want.
Wordwork: We play board games or use Ashley spellers. The type of games are Banana scramble, Scrabble, Upwords, Hangman and magnet words. My favourite game is the Okay Card Game.
Because of Daily 5 I can read more fluently- that means before I couldn't read much and now I can.
By doing wordwork I understand more words and this helps me read more and write more than I used to.
I use the Thinking Toolkit for Daily 5:
I ask questions about words that I don't know.

What do you do for reading in your class room?

Thursday 8 September 2016

What we do for maths in room 9.

We all have a sheet in our maths books and we use them so we know what to do for maths because it's a good for us to learn (it's not too hard or too easy). These are some the goals that I have completed so far this year.
How many tens in a three digit number e.g. There are 65 tens in 654
Making tens e.g 26 + 8 = 30 + 4 = 34
Turning multiplications around e.g. 5 x 2 = 2 x 5

This is how I used the Thinking Toolkit to reach my goals:
I strive to understand because I didn't give up until I understand .
We ask questions- to help me figure my goals out and ask other people for help.

How are your maths goals going?

Monday 8 August 2016

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