
Friday 25 November 2016

My story

Wednesday 23 November 2016

What happens
At lunch time 25 zombies come.
Bits 108 kids and 2 teachers.
All the kids are at school.

Zombies a lot of them,boys a lot of them,girls a lot of them,teachers a lot of them,police a lot of them and more people.

The hole school.

When all the kids get to school in the morning they play outside into the 9:00 am bell goes then they all come inside and we start with the day.
We do the Karakia,roll,waiata then we do maths into morning tea we have the ten o clock news then we eat then we will play until the bell goes.
We have team talk,read for the fun of it,Daily 5,writing then it will be lunch time we eat inside and then we play inside then  the bell will go at 11:30 so we  can all go to the toilet and get a drink into 25 zombies come and bit you but that is why the bell goes fast and lunch time is so not that long and then all the 25 zombies will come and yesterday 108 kids got bitten and 2 teachers but today the zombies left at 3:00 pm but there was one in the toilet and it locked himself in the toilet  then this girl named Anab she looked over the top and the zombie unlocked himself and ran after her.  She ran  to the classroom but we looked at her and the teacher just locks the door and then we all got our bags and we went home but  Erana and Tayal they were walking to Tayal house and then they looked in the mail box there was a finger from a zombies they killed last night but not me my mum and dad said tayal.

In the morning the two girls got up and got ready for school then tayla dad walked them to school so there teacher now that her dad drops them off at their classroom there in room 9 they are best friends then they did maths for the hole morning and then it was moring tea time and then they played handball for morning tea they went inside and they did writing and spelling then it was lunch time and then the bell went at 11:30am before the zombies came so they locked all the doors and then they went out of school into all the zombies were gone and they stade on a farm with their mum and dads family's.

They found out because they pushed one in the water and he swam  up he was himself again so they said it on the news and  all the people went and got a lot of hoses and water guns  and they went around town and wet all the zombies.

Ideas: 4
S&L: 3
Organisation: 5
Vocabulary: 2
Sentence structure: 3
Punctuation: 3
Spelling: 3

I learnt how to write a story by myself and I made  it up.
The thing that was hard was trying to think what will happen.
Can you try and make one up?

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